Watallapam — traditional dessert in Sri Lanka. A delicate, creamy pudding with a characteristic spicy nut note is one of the most commonly found on almost all birthday and wedding receptions or holidays. This traditional dessert in Sri Lanka, owes its characteristic flavour, thanks to a special addition, which is jaggery, ie dark palm sugar. The sap of the flowers of palm (Caryota Urens) is cooked until it changes into
Kiribath or rice cooked with coconut milk
Kiribath or rice cooked with coconut milk, is one of the simplest Sri Lankan dishes I’ve ever had. It has a velvety, creamy texture. An ideal dish for people allergic to protein and vegans or vegetarians. It can be served both as a light breakfast and as an exquisite dish for special occasions. Kiribath is eaten at birthdays, weddings, Christmas or a New Year’s party. Because it is a symbol
How to open a coconut? – advice for men and women
Does anyone buy them? – I have often wondered, passing by a coconut stand. Well, these brown, hairy fruits are more like grenades than anything that can be easily opened. How to open a coconut? How do the SriLankans handle this? – I saw this for the first time, during a cooking lesson in Sri Lanka. One fast move with a machete and hey presto, the coconut is open. As one