Alina Kręcisz
I am a chemist, a photographer, a traveller, a part-time journalist and a great food lover.
I have visited the whole of Poland and Europe by car and … by motorcycle. I have been to the United States, Israel, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, as well as North Africa and the Ural Mountain.
My photos have been at several exhibitions, three of them were about Sri Lanka, and my travel reports were in the English-language editions of “Sri Lanka The Treasure Island” and “Bally’s”. My dream is to publish a book about Sri Lanka and I have already taken some steps.
About me
I’m curious about the world and people. Getting to know the world bring me joy of life so I want to share this with others. Staying with friendly and open people have allowed me to open up to the world, changing my attitude towards others. Many things that seemed to me unattainable have become possible.
If you do not try, you will not succeed!
That is what this blog is all about. I love to photograph as for writing I am a little less enthusiastic. But you have to face new challenges! I learned somewhere that a journey not shared does not exist and so I decided to tell you about my trips to Sri Lanka.
Why Sri Lanka?
Why not India, Thailand, Cuba, Peru or any other place? Maybe it was because I got there at the right time. I had had a very tiring moment in my life, I was exhausted and actually I was not sure if I wanted to go there at all. After a few days, when my fatigue subsided, I began to notice that accidental people treated me warmly and friendly as someone well-known to them. That is how it started. Frequent travels around Sri Lanka gave me a picture of a country rich in ancient culture and surprising cuisine. But I think that the country’s greatest wealth is the normality and forthrightness of the people.
This is what makes this country so special.